Reference for the Mosaic class Charts::LineChart
The class 'LineChart' implements a GUI component for displaying a complete line chart diagram. The data for the single line segments is defined within a RecordList.
property color BackColor = #202020FF;
The property 'BackColor' stores the color of the complete background area.
property point BorderSize = <20,10>;
The property 'BorderSize' determines the width and height of the empty area around the line chart diagram.
property Resources::Bitmap DotBitmap = Charts::Dots8x8;
The property 'DotBitmap' contains the bitmap resource used for drawing the dots.
property int32 DotBitmapIndex = 0;
The property 'DotBitmapIndex' defines the index of the dot image DotBitmap. This property is used to select a single image out of a multi frame bitmap, like an image stripe.
property color FillColor = #FFFFFF00;
The property 'FillColor' stores the color of the area between graph and X-axis
property color GridLineColor = #005F3FFF;
The property 'GridLineColor' stores the color of the horizontal grid lines.
property Resources::Bitmap LineBitmap = Charts::Line7x100;
The property 'LineBitmap' contains the bitmap resource used for drawing the line. It is assumed, that the line segment is vertical.
property color LineColor = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'LineColor' stores the color of the line chart.
property int32 LineCropping = 0;
The property 'LineCropping' stores the length (in pixels), that a line between two points is reduced on both ends. As a result, this property defines the radius around all points, where no lines are drawn. By using this property, you can draw shorter line pieces between the dots, without reaching the dots.
property int32 LineWidth = 1;
The property 'LineWidth' stores the width of the charts line. If the 'LineWidth' is set to 0, no lines are drawn between the dots. If the 'LineWidth' is set to 1, a simple non-anti-aliased line is drawn. If the 'LineWidth' is set to a value grater than 1, a smooth anti-aliased line is drawn by using the LineBitmap segment image.
property int32 MaxValue = 100;
The property 'MaxValue' determines the range of values that are shown within the line chart diagram. The value of each record has to fit into the range from 0 to 'MaxValue'.
property int32 NoOfGridLines = 5;
The property 'NoOfGridLines' determines the number of horizontal grid lines. The area of the grid lines can be controlled with the property BorderSize.
property Charts::RecordList Records = null;
The property 'Records' stores the list of data sets (records) that describe the values and colors of each dot.