Reference for the Mosaic class Charts::Graph
The class 'Graph' implements a GUI component for displaying a complete graph diagram. The data for the single dots and lines are defined within a CoordList.
property color BackColor = #000000FF;
The property 'BackColor' stores the color of the complete background area.
property point CoordOrigin = <0,0>;
The property 'CoordOrigin' determines the origin of the coordinate system used within the chart diagram.
property Charts::CoordList Coordinates = null;
The property Coordinates stores the list of coordinates.
property Resources::Bitmap DotBitmap = Charts::Dots8x8;
The property 'DotBitmap' contains the bitmap resource used for drawing the dots.
property int32 DotBitmapIndex = 0;
The property 'DotBitmapIndex' defines the index of the dot image DotBitmap. This property is used to select a single image out of a multi frame bitmap, like an image stripe.
property color DotColor = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'DotColor' stores the color of the coordinate dots.
property float DotWidth = 0.0;
The property 'DotWidth' stores the width of the coordinate dots.
property point GridDistance = <80,50>;
The property 'GridDistance' determines the distance between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.
property color HorzGridColor = #0C0E6EFF;
The property 'HorzGridColor' stores the color of the horizontal grid lines.
property Resources::Bitmap LineBitmap = Charts::Line7x100;
The property 'LineBitmap' contains the bitmap resource used for drawing the line. It is assumed, that the line segment is vertical.
property color LineColor = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'LineColor' stores the color of the graph.
property float LineWidth = 3.0;
The property 'LineWidth' stores the width of the graphs line.
property point PixelPerUnit = <10,10>;
The property 'PixelPerUnit' determines the number of pixel in x/y direction which corresponds to a coordinate (1.0/1.0).
property color VertGridColor = #0C0E6EFF;
The property 'VertGridColor' stores the color of the vertical grid lines.