Reference for the Mosaic unit Resources
The unit 'Resources' provides few fundamental classes needed to handle bitmaps and fonts created at the design time in the Embedded Wizard environment:
const string AM = "AM";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string April = "April";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string AprilAbbr = "Apr";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string August = "August";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string AugustAbbr = "Aug";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string December = "December";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string DecemberAbbr = "Dec";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string February = "February";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string FebruaryAbbr = "Feb";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Friday = "Friday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string FridayAbbr = "Fri";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string January = "January";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string JanuaryAbbr = "Jan";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string July = "July";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string JulyAbbr = "Jul";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string June = "June";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string JuneAbbr = "Jun";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string March = "March";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string MarchAbbr = "Mar";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string May = "May";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string MayAbbr = "May";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Monday = "Monday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string MondayAbbr = "Mon";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string November = "November";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string NovemberAbbr = "Nov";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string October = "October";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string OctoberAbbr = "Oct";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string PM = "PM";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Saturday = "Saturday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string SaturdayAbbr = "Sat";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string September = "September";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string SeptemberAbbr = "Sep";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Sunday = "Sunday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string SundayAbbr = "Sun";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Thursday = "Thursday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string ThursdayAbbr = "Thu";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Tuesday = "Tuesday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string TuesdayAbbr = "Tue";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string Wednesday = "Wednesday";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
const string WednesdayAbbr = "Wed";
Constant string used by Core::Time class to format time and date. Per default the constant is initialized in English language. If necessary, you can derive a variant from the interesting constant, store the variant in one of your project units and initialize it with other eventually multi-lingual localized text.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName = .\Res\DefaultBitmap.png;
attr alphafile AlphaName;
attr framesize FrameSize;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource used per default by 'Image', 'Wallpaper' and 'Warp Image' views to ensure that new views don't remain empty on the screen.
resource Resources::Font DefaultFont
attr fontname FontName = Arial;
attr fontheight Height = 12;
attr fontquality Quality = Low;
attr fontranges Ranges = 0x20-0x7F;
attr fontaspectratio AspectRatio = 1.0;
attr fontbold Bold = false;
attr fontitalic Italic = false;
Font resource used per default by 'Text' and 'Attributed Text' views to ensure that new views don't remain empty on the screen.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName = .\Res\DefaultFrame.png;
attr alphafile AlphaName;
attr framesize FrameSize;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource used per default by the 'Bitmap Frame' view to ensure that new views don't remain empty on the screen.
resource Resources::Font FontExtraLarge
attr fontname FontName = Roboto;
attr fontheight Height = 54;
attr fontquality Quality = High;
attr fontranges Ranges = 0x20-0xFF;
attr fontaspectratio AspectRatio = 1.0;
attr fontbold Bold = false;
attr fontitalic Italic = false;
The extra large version of the default font resource. The resource is using 'Roboto' TrueType font with 54 pixel height.
resource Resources::Font FontLarge
attr fontname FontName = Roboto;
attr fontheight Height = 36;
attr fontquality Quality = High;
attr fontranges Ranges = 0x20-0xFF;
attr fontaspectratio AspectRatio = 1.0;
attr fontbold Bold = false;
attr fontitalic Italic = false;
The large version of the default font resource. The resource is using 'Roboto' TrueType font with 36 pixel height.
resource Resources::Font FontMedium
attr fontname FontName = Roboto;
attr fontheight Height = 24;
attr fontquality Quality = High;
attr fontranges Ranges = 0x20-0xFF;
attr fontaspectratio AspectRatio = 1.0;
attr fontbold Bold = false;
attr fontitalic Italic = false;
The medium version of the default font resource. The resource is using 'Roboto' TrueType font with 24 pixel height.
resource Resources::Font FontSmall
attr fontname FontName = Roboto;
attr fontheight Height = 18;
attr fontquality Quality = High;
attr fontranges Ranges = 0x20-0xFF;
attr fontaspectratio AspectRatio = 1.0;
attr fontbold Bold = false;
attr fontitalic Italic = false;
The small version of the default font resource. The resource is using 'Roboto' TrueType font with 18 pixel height.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\KeyIconsExtraLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <84,84>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to represent keys within a virtual keyboard. The icons have the size 84x84 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\KeyIconsLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <54,54>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to represent keys within a virtual keyboard. The icons have the size 54x54 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\KeyIconsMedium.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <36,36>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to represent keys within a virtual keyboard. The icons have the size 36x36 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\KeyIconsSmall.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <24,24>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to represent keys within a virtual keyboard. The icons have the size 24x24 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\PlayerIconsExtraLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <84,84>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to implement media player applications, etc.. The icons have the size 84x84 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\PlayerIconsLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <54,54>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to implement media player applications, etc.. The icons have the size 54x54 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\PlayerIconsMedium.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <36,36>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to implement media player applications, etc.. The icons have the size 36x36 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\PlayerIconsSmall.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <24,24>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. Usually the icons are used to implement media player applications, etc.. The icons have the size 24x24 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\SymbolIconsExtraLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <84,84>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. The icons have the size 84x84 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\SymbolIconsLarge.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <54,54>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. The icons have the size 54x54 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\SymbolIconsMedium.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <36,36>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. The icons have the size 36x36 pixel.
resource Resources::Bitmap
attr bitmapfile FileName;
attr alphafile AlphaName = .\Res\SymbolIconsSmall.png;
attr framesize FrameSize = <24,24>;
attr framedelay FrameDelay;
Bitmap resource containing diverse icons you can use in your project. The icons have the size 24x24 pixel.
autoobject Graphics::AttrSet DefaultAttrSet;
Data object used per default by the 'Attributed Text' view to ensure that new views don't remain empty on the screen.
autoobject Graphics::ArcPath
preset EndAngle = 90.0;
preset RadiusY = 90.0;
preset RadiusX = 90.0;
preset Style = Graphics::ArcStyle.Pie;
Data object used per default by the 'Filled Path' and 'Stroked Path' view to ensure that new views don't remain empty on the screen.