Reference for the Mosaic class Charts::BarChart
The class 'BarChart' implements a GUI component for displaying a complete bar chart diagram. The data for the single bar segments is defined within a RecordList.
property color BackColor = #202020FF;
The property 'BackColor' stores the color of the complete background area.
property Resources::Bitmap BarFrame = null;
The property 'BarFrame' contains an optional bitmap resource used for drawing the bar. If the value is null, the bar is drawn by using a simple filled rectangle.
property int32 BarFrameIndex = 0;
The property 'BarFrameIndex' defines the index of the frame image BarFrame. This property is used to select a single image out of a multi frame bitmap, like an image stripe. If the value is negative, the bar is drawn by using a simple filled rectangle.
property int32 BarSize = 0;
The property 'BarSize' determines the size of the bars within the bar chart diagram. If the value is 0, the size is calculated automatically.
property point BorderSize = <20,10>;
The property 'BorderSize' determines the width and height of the empty area around the bar chart diagram.
property color GridLineColor = #005F3FFF;
The property 'GridLineColor' stores the color of the horizontal grid lines.
property int32 MaxValue = 100;
The property 'MaxValue' determines the range of values that are shown within the bar chart diagram. The value of each record has to fit into the range from 0 to 'MaxValue'.
property int32 NoOfGridLines = 5;
The property 'NoOfGridLines' determines the number of horizontal grid lines. The area of the grid lines can be controlled with the property BorderSize.
property Charts::RecordList Records = null;
The property 'Records' stores the list of data sets (records) that describe the values and colors of each bar.
property int32 SpaceSize = 0;
The property 'SpaceSize' determines the distance (empty area) between two bars within the bar chart diagram. If the value is 0, the spacing is calculated automatically.