Reference for the Mosaic class Graphics::Path
The class Graphics::Path provides functionality to create and store curve data. Every path object can contain one or more sub-paths. In turn, every sub-path can be individually composed of line segments, Bézier curves, elliptical arcs or even circles. In this manner complex polygons and paths can be constructed easily.
With the path information the curves can be displayed on the screen. The view Views::FillPath displays the path as filled polygon. The view Views::StrokePath displays the path as a line with specified width.
The methods of the class Graphics::Paths can be divided in following groups:
method int32 AddArc
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg float aCenterX,
arg float aCenterY,
arg float aRadiusX,
arg float aRadiusY,
arg float aStartAngle,
arg float aEndAngle,
arg int32 aNoOfEdges
The method AddArc() adds to the sub-path a new elliptical arc composed of exact aNoOfEdges straight line segments. The more edges the more smooth the resulting curve. The center of the ellipse is determined in the parameters aCenterX, aCenterY. The parameters aRadiusX and aRadiusY determine the horizontal and vertical radius of the ellipse. The start and the end angle of the arc is determined in the parameters aStartAngle and aEndAngle, both expressed in degree and measured clockwise relative to the positive X-axis of the path coordinate system.
If the absolute difference between aStartAngle and aEndAngle is equal to or greater than 360.0, the method calculates with a closed ellipse instead of an opened arc. If the parameters aRadiusX and aRadiusY are equal, the method calculates with a circle instead of an ellipse.
If the affected sub-path contains already curve information, the end of the last existing segment and the start of the new arc (resulting from the parameter aStartAngle) are connected with an additional straight line segment. Similarly, if start position for the sub-path has been specified by using the Begin() method, an additional line segment is added to connect the arc with the given sub-path start position. After the elliptical arc curve is added, the sub-path actual position is adjusted to refer to the end of the last line segment of the curve (resulting from the parameter aEndAngle).
The specified position aX, aY is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the resulting arc segments before storing them in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
The method returns the index of the node within the sub-path where the start position of the first arc line segment has been stored (parameter aStartAngle). Knowing this index and the number of segments the arc curve is composed of (aNoOfEdges), the position of every arc line segment can be modified later by using the method SetNode().
If the sub-path has not been initialized previously by using the method InitSubPath(), the sub-path has been closed by Close() method or the memory reserved for the sub-path (see parameter aMaxNoOfEdges in the method InitSubPath()) is occupied by other edges so no sufficient space is available to accommodate aNoOfEdges new segments, the method fails and returns 0.
The affected sub-path is determined in the parameter aSubPathNo. Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 AddBezier2
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg float aCPX,
arg float aCPY,
arg float aX,
arg float aY,
arg int32 aNoOfEdges
The method AddBezier2() appends between the actual position of the sub-path and the position aX, aY a new quadratic Bézier curve composed of exact aNoOfEdges straight line segments. The more edges the more smooth the resulting curve. The Bézier curve control point is determined in the parameters aCPX, aCPY. After the Bézier curve is added, the sub-path actual position is adjusted to refer to the end of the last line segment of the curve (position aX, aY).
Within a sub-path the actual position is either the end position of the preceding sub-path segment or it is the value specified in the invocation of the Begin() method. If the sub-path is empty and no start position has been specified in the preceding Begin() invocation, the method assumes the origin of the path coordinate system (X=0, Y=0) as the start position for the new curve.
The specified positions aCPX, aCPY, aX, aY are relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the positions before calculating the Bézier curve and storing the resulting line segments it in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
The method returns the index of the node within the sub-path where the end position of the first Bézier line segment has been stored. Knowing this index and the number of segments the Bézier curve is composed of (parameter aNoOfEdges), the position of every Bézier line segment can be modified later by using the method SetNode().
If the sub-path has not been initialized previously by using the method InitSubPath(), the sub-path has been closed by Close() method or the memory reserved for the sub-path (see parameter aMaxNoOfEdges in the method InitSubPath()) is occupied by other edges so no sufficient space is available to accommodate aNoOfEdges new segments, the method fails and returns 0.
The affected sub-path is determined in the parameter aSubPathNo. Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 AddBezier3
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg float aCP1X,
arg float aCP1Y,
arg float aCP2X,
arg float aCP2Y,
arg float aX,
arg float aY,
arg int32 aNoOfEdges
The method AddBezier3() appends between the actual position of the sub-path and the position aX, aY a new cubic Bézier curve composed of exact aNoOfEdges straight line segments. The more edges the more smooth the resulting curve. The both Bézier curve control points are determined in the parameters aCP1X, aCP1Y and aCP2X, aCP2Y. After the Bézier curve is added, the sub-path actual position is adjusted to refer to the end of the last line segment of the curve (position aX, aY).
Within a sub-path the actual position is either the end position of the preceding sub-path segment or it is the value specified in the invocation of the Begin() method. If the sub-path is empty and no start position has been specified in the preceding Begin() invocation, the method assumes the origin of the path coordinate system (X=0, Y=0) as the start position for the new curve.
The specified positions aCP1X, aCP1Y, aCP2X, aCP2, aX, aY are relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the positions before calculating the Bézier curve and storing the resulting line segments it in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
The method returns the index of the node within the sub-path where the end position of the first Bézier line segment has been stored. Knowing this index and the number of segments the Bézier curve is composed of (parameter aNoOfEdges), the position of every Bézier line segment can be modified later by using the method SetNode().
If the sub-path has not been initialized previously by using the method InitSubPath(), the sub-path has been closed by Close() method or the memory reserved for the sub-path (see parameter aMaxNoOfEdges in the method InitSubPath()) is occupied by other edges so no sufficient space is available to accommodate aNoOfEdges new segments, the method fails and returns 0.
The affected sub-path is determined in the parameter aSubPathNo. Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 AddCopy
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg Graphics::Path
arg int32 aSrcSubPathNo,
arg int32 aSrcNodeNo,
arg int32 aNoOfEdges
The method AddCopy() appends to the sub-path with the given number aSubPathNo a copy data from another sub-path. In this manner contents from different paths can be combined together without the necessity to re-calculate them again. The source sub-path as well as the range of data to copy are determined by the parameters aSrcPath, aSrcSubPathNo, aSrcNodeNo and aNoOfEdges. Accordingly, depending on the paramerters aSrcPath and aSrcSubPathNo contents between different paths can be copied.
Does aSrcPath and aSrcSubPathNo refer to the same sub-path as the destination sub-path, the sub-path can append a duplicate of its own contents. Specifying -1 in the parameter aNoOfEdges causes all edges till the end of the source sub-path being copied. Accordingly, with the parameters aSrcNodeNo = 0 and aNoOfEdges = -1 a complete copy of the source sub-path is appended.
If the destination sub-path contains already curve information, the end of the last existing segment and the start position of the first copied edge are connected with an additional straight line segment. Similarly, if start position for the destination sub-path has been specified by using Begin(), an additional line segment is added to connect the appended segments with the specified sub-path start position. After the operation is done the actual position in the destination sub-path is moved to refer to the end position of the copied sub-path. If the destination path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on all copied positions before storing them in the destination sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
The method returns the index of the node within the destination sub-path where the start position of the first copied segment has bee stored. Knowing this index and the number of copied segments (aNoOfEdges), the position of every segment can be modified by using the method SetNode().
If the sub-paths have not been initialized previously by using the method InitSubPath(), the destination sub-path has been closed by Close() method or the memory reserved for the destination sub-path (see parameter aMaxNoOfEdges in the method InitSubPath()) is occupied by other edges so no sufficient space is available to accommodate aNoOfEdges new segments, the method fails and returns 0.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 AddLine
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg float aX,
arg float aY
The method AddLine() appends between the actual position of the sub-path and the position aX, aY a new straight line segment consisting of one edge. Then the sub-path actual position is adjusted to refer to the end of the just added line segment (aX, aY).
Within a sub-path the actual position is either the end position of the preceding sub-path segment or it is the value specified in the invocation of the Begin() method. If the sub-path is empty and no start position has been specified in the preceding Begin() invocation, the method assumes the origin of the path coordinate system (X=0, Y=0) as the start position for the new line segment.
The specified position aX, aY is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the position before storing it in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
The method returns the index of the node within the sub-path where the end position of the new line segment has been stored. Knowing this index, the position can be modified later by using the method SetNode().
If the sub-path has not been initialized previously by using the method InitSubPath(), the sub-path has been closed by Close() method or the entire memory reserved for the sub-path (see parameter aMaxNoOfEdges in the method InitSubPath()) is already occupied by other edges, the method fails and returns 0.
The affected sub-path is determined in the parameter aSubPathNo. Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method void Begin
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg float aX,
arg float aY
The method Begin() sets the parameters aX, aY as the start position for the sub-path with the specified number aSubPathNo. The affected sub-path has to be initialized previously by invoking the method InitSubPath(). Beginning with the specified position, the path can be filled with curve data by using methods like AddLine(), AddBezier2(), AddArc(), etc.
The specified position aX, aY is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the position before storing it in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
Every sub-path contains exact one start position. Calling this method for a sub-path being already filled with edge coordinates will clear the actual sub-path as if the InitSubPath() method has been called before.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method void Close
arg int32 aSubPathNo
The method Close() marks the affected sub-path as closed. The method verifies whether the first and the last position of the sub-path are equal and if this is not the case, adds an additional straight line segment to the sub-path in order to connect them together.
Once the method is invoked, no additional path information can be added to the affected sub-path unless it is initialized or cleared again by using the method InitSubPath() or Begin(). If the affected sub-path is empty, the method returns without any effect.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 GetMaxNoOfSubPaths();
The method GetMaxNoOfSubPaths() returns how many sub-paths the affected path can maximally store. The returned value corresponds to the parameter passed in the invocation of the SetMaxNoOfSubPaths() method.
method int32 GetNoOfEdges
arg int32 aSubPathNo
The method GetNoOfEdges() returns how many edges (straight line segments) the sub-path with the given number aSubPathNo actually does store. If the specified sub-path doesn't exist, it has not been initialized by using the method InitSubPath() or it is still empty, the method returns 0.
Within the path the sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 GetNoOfFreeEdges
arg int32 aSubPathNo
The method GetNoOfFreeEdges() returns how many edges (straight line segments) can still be added to the sub-path with the given number aSubPathNo. The maximum capacity (max. number of edges) one sub-path can store is determined in the InitSubPath() invocation.
If the specified sub-path doesn't exist, it has not been initialized by using the method InitSubPath(), it has been closed in the meantime by using the method Close() or the sub-path is simply full, the method returns 0.
Within the path the sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths(). How many edges the given sub-path actually contains can be queried by using the method GetNoOfEdges().
method float GetNodeX
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg int32 aNodeNo
The method GetNodeX() returns the X coordinate stored in the node with the number aNodeNo of the sub-path with the number aSubPathNo. In this manner it is possible to evalute the complete sub-path information. The nodes within a sub-path are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first node, 1 for the second and so far. In total a sub-path contains GetNoOfEdges() + 1 nodes.
The returned X coordinate is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the desired sub-path or node is not available, the method returns 0.0.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method float GetNodeY
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg int32 aNodeNo
The method GetNodeY() returns the Y coordinate stored in the node with the number aNodeNo of the sub-path with the number aSubPathNo. In this manner it is possible to evalute the complete sub-path information. The nodes within a sub-path are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first node, 1 for the second and so far. In total a sub-path contains GetNoOfEdges() + 1 nodes.
The returned Y coordinate is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the desired sub-path or node is not available, the method returns 0.0.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method void InitMatrix();
The method InitMatrix() replaces the path own transformation matrix with the identity matrix. With identity matrix, all coordinates specified in subsequent invocations of methods like Begin(), AddLine(), AddBezier2(), etc. are taken over directly without any transformation being applied on them.
method bool InitSubPath
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg int32 aMaxNoOfEdges
The method InitSubPath() prepares the sub-path with the number aSubPathNo to be able to store up to aMaxNoOfEdges path edges (straight line segments). With this operation memory for the sub-path data is reserved. Initially the just initialized sub-path is considered as being empty. To fill the sub-path with data use the methods like AddLine(), AddBezier2(), AddArc(), etc.
If the affected sub-path has been already initialized in the past, the old information is discarded before initializing the new sub-path. Passing 0 (zero) in the parameter aMaxNoOfEdges results in the old sub-path data being simply released without allocating the memory for the new sub-path.
If successful, the method returns 'true'. If there is no memory available for the specified number of edges, the method fails and 'false' is returned leaving the sub-path not initialized. Similarly, trying to initialize a sub-path not existing in the path causes the method to return 'false'.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method bool IsClosed
arg int32 aSubPathNo
The method IsClosed() returns 'true' if the sub-path with the given number aSubPathNo has been closed by calling the method Close(). Once closed, no new path segments can be added to the sub-path unless it is initialized again by using the methods InitSubPath() or Begin(). If the specified sub-path doesn't exist, it has not been initialized by using the method InitSubPath() or it is still opened, the method returns 'false'.
Within the path the sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method void PopMatrix();
The method PopMatrix() restores the current state of the path own matrix from its internal stack. The matrix has to be stored by the preceding invocation of the PushMatrix() method. If the matrix stack is already empty, the identity matrix is loaded (see InitMatrix()). The modification of the path matrix affects all coordinates specified in subsequent invocations of methods like Begin(), AddLine(), AddBezier2(), etc.
method void PushMatrix();
The method PushMatrix() stores the current state of the path own matrix on an internal stack. This is very useful during creation of complex paths. To restore the matrix again use the method PopMatrix().
method void Rotate
arg float aAngle
The method Rotate() applies the given angle aAngle to the path matrix. This corresponds to the rotation of the path coordinate system around its origin position. The angle is expressed in degree and measured clockwise. The modification of the path matrix affects all coordinates specified in subsequent invocations of methods like Begin(), AddLine(), AddBezier2(), etc.
method void Scale
arg float aScaleX,
arg float aScaleY
The method Scale() applies the given factors aScaleX and aScaleY to the path own matrix. This corresponds to the scaling of the path coordinate system by the given values in the X- and Y-direction. The modification of the path matrix affects all coordinates specified in subsequent invocations of methods like Begin(), AddLine(), AddBezier2(), etc.
method bool SetMaxNoOfSubPaths
arg int32 aMaxNoOfSubPaths
The method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths() changes the number of sub-paths the affected path can maximally manage to the specified value aMaxNoOfSubPaths. After modifying its size the affected path is empty. This means all contents of previously existing sub-paths are discarded. Before new path data can be stored in a sub-path the method InitSubPath() should be called. Please note, if the size of the path does already correspond to the parameter aMaxNoOfSubPaths, the path remains unaffected and retains all existing contents.
The method returns 'true' if the path could be initialized with the new size. In case, there is no sufficient memory to store the desired number of sub-paths, the method fails and returns 'false' leaving the path empty.
method void SetNode
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg int32 aNodeNo,
arg float aX,
arg float aY
The method SetNode() modifies in the sub-path with the number aSubPathNo the coordinate of the node with the number aNodeNo. In this manner it is not necessary to re-initialize and re-calculate the complete sub-path if the position of only few corners do change. The nodes within a sub-path are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first node, 1 for the second and so far. In total a sub-path contains GetNoOfEdges() + 1 nodes.
The specified position aX, aY is relative to the origin of the path coordinate system. If the path own matrix is not an identity matrix, the corresponding transformations are applied on the position before storing it in the sub-path. See methods Translate(), Scale() and Rotate().
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method int32 ShiftNodes
arg int32 aSubPathNo,
arg int32 aNoOfNodes,
arg float aTranslateX,
arg float aTranslateY
The method ShiftNodes() removes from the affected sub-path the specified number of leading coordinate values. This results in the sub-path content being shifted and the number of sub-path edges being reduced by the given aNoOfNodes parameter. Thereupon new edge data can be appended to the path, e.g. by using the method AddLine(). With the parameters aTranslateX and aTranslateY the remaining coordinates can additionally be adjusted (translated). The values aTranslateX and aTranslateY are simply added to all X,Y values of all coordinates.
Applying the method on a sub-path closed by a preceding Close() invocation is not possible and causes the method to return without any modification on the sub-path data. Moreover, the operation is limited to leave at least one node in the sub-path. In other words, it is not possible to clear the path completely. Use the methods Begin() or InitSubPath() in such application cases.
The method returns the number of nodes removed from the sub-path or 0 if the sub-path doesn't exist, is not initialized (see InitSubPath()), is empty or it has been closed by preceding Close() invocation.
Within the path all existing sub-paths are numbered starting with the value 0 for the first sub-path, 1 for the second and so far. The maximum number of sub-paths the path can manage is determined by the method SetMaxNoOfSubPaths().
method void Translate
arg float aDeltaX,
arg float aDeltaY
The method Translate() applies the given displacement aDeltaX, aDeltaY to the path own matrix. This corresponds to the translation of the origin of the path coordinate system in the X- and Y-direction. The modification of the path matrix affects all coordinates specified in subsequent invocations of methods like Begin(), AddLine(), AddBezier2(), etc.