Reference for the Mosaic class Views::Rectangle
The class Views::Rectangle provides a kind of view specialized to draw a filled rectangle. The position and the size of the rectangle are determined by the property Bounds. The color to fill the rectangle is defined by the property Color. Alternatively, the rectangle can be filled with a color gradient specified by the properties ColorTL, ColorTR, ColorBL and ColorBR. For each view's corner different color can be set.
The visibility of the rectangle is controlled by the properties Visible, AlphaBlended and Embedded. In particular the property Embedded can determine whether the corresponding view is limited (== embedded) to the boundary of a sibling Core::Outline view or not. The embedding of views within a Core::Outline allows a kind of sub-groups within the GUI component itself. Very useful for any kind of scrollable lists, menus, etc.
property bool AlphaBlended = true;
The property 'AlphaBlended' determines the drawing mode for the view. Views with disabled alpha-blending will override the affected screen areas. If this mode is enabled, the pixel of the view are combined with the origin screen content by alpha-blending.
property color Color = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'Color' controls the color of the entire rectangle. Changes of this property will be immediately reflected in the properties ColorTL, ColorTR, ColorBL and ColorBR. Thus this property is useful if no gradients are desired.
property color ColorBL = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ColorBL' stores the color at the bottom-left corner of the rectangle's Bounds area.
property color ColorBR = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ColorBR' stores the color at the bottom-right corner of the rectangle's Bounds area.
property color ColorTL = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ColorTL' stores the color at the top-left corner of the rectangle's Bounds area.
property color ColorTR = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ColorTR' stores the color at the top-right corner of the rectangle's Bounds area.
property bool Embedded = false;
The property 'Embedded' controls how the view should appear and behave within its superior Owner. If this property == 'true', the affected view will be embedded (limited) to the boundary of a preceding Core::Outline sibling view. This is as if the view had been embedded within this outline. Beside the appearance limitation of the outline boundary, the outline also provides more sophisticated arrangement mechanisms and the content scrolling. It is therefore useful to create scrollable menus or lists.
If this property is 'false', the view is considered as a regular view of its Owner - it doesn't belong to any outline.
property bool Visible = true;
The property 'Visible' determines the visibility state of the view. Invisible views will not appear on the screen. Whether a view is really visible depends on the visibility of its Owner and the position of the view within the owners boundary area.