Platform Package reference: Basic Data Type Definitions
Description of basic type definitions available in all Platform Packages for C compatible target systems. These type definitions are intended to be used when integrating the Embedded Wizard created GUI application with the underlying graphics subsystem, graphics hardware or other external GUI applications coexisting on the same system.
typedef signed char XInt8;
typedef signed short XInt16;
typedef signed long XInt32;
typedef unsigned char XUInt8;
typedef unsigned short XUInt16;
typedef unsigned long XUInt32;
typedef char XBool;
typedef unsigned long XEnum;
typedef unsigned long XSet;
typedef float XFloat;
typedef unsigned short XChar;
typedef XChar* XString;
typedef int XLangId;
typedef unsigned long XStylesSet;
typedef unsigned long XHandle;
The following C type definitions are covering the basic instant datatypes available in the programming language Chora:
C type |
Description |
XInt8, XInt16, XInt32 |
8-, 16- and 32-bit signed integer. The definitions correspond to the Chora data types int8, int16, int32. |
XUInt8, XUInt16, XUInt32 |
8-, 16- and 32-bit unsigned integer. The definitions correspond to the Chora data types uint8, uint16, uint32. |
XFloat |
32-bit floating point value. The definition corresponds to the Chora data type float. |
XBool |
Boolean value coded with 8-bit . The definition corresponds to the Chora data type bool. |
XEnum |
32-bit enumeration value. The definition corresponds to the Chora enumeration data type. |
XSet |
32-bit set value. The definition corresponds to the Chora set data type. |
XChar |
16-bit wide-character code. The definition corresponds to the Chora char data type. |
XString |
Zero terminated string consisting of 16-bit wide-characters. The definition corresponds to the Chora string data type. |
XLangId |
32-bit language identifier. The definition corresponds to the Chora language data type. |
XStylesSet |
32-bit set containing active styles. The definition corresponds to the Chora styles data type. |
XHandle |
32-/64-bit value representing a pointer or handle within the target system. The definition corresponds to the Chora handle data type. |