Platform Package reference: Function EwEnableGfxTaskTracing()
Description of the function EwEnableGfxTaskTracing() available in the Professional edition of Platform Packages for C compatible target systems. This function is intended for debugging purpose only.
void EwEnableGfxTaskTracing( int aEnable )
If this parameter is != 0 (not zero), the mode is activated. To deactivate it again, pass 0 in this parameter.
The function EwEnableGfxTaskTracing() activates or deactivates the internal debugging mode of the Graphics Engine. With this mode enabled, the Graphics Engine prints log messages for every performed drawing operation, resource loading operation, etc.
Please note, in order to use the task tracing mode the Platform Package modules and the GUI application has to be compiled with the C macro EW_SUPPORT_GFX_TASK_TRACING defined. Platform Packages contained in the Small Business edition of Embedded Wizard are provided as libraries compiled without this macro resulting in this function not being available. Similar is true if you are using an Evaluation edition of a Platform Package.