Platform Integration Aspects: Platform Package reference
With Embedded Wizard you develop the GUI application in the platform independent programming language Chora. Then you compile and link the generated code together with the Platform Package modules to a single binary able to run on your target system.
Depending on your individual application case, you will eventually need to take care of adaptations of the interfaces between your finished GUI application and your particular device, the operating system, the hardware or even other applications and software modules coexisting on the same system. It is thus important to know which functions and data types are provided by the Platform Package. This chapter gives you an overview of the important Platform Package functionality, in particular the functionality of the Runtime Environment and Graphics Engine:
Function |
Description |
C Platform Package function to obtain access to an autoobject. |
C Platform Package function to create a new instance of Chora class. |
C Platform Package function to create a new instance of Chora class. |
C Platform Package function to protect an object from being disposed by the garbage collection. |
C Platform Package function to remove the protection of an object from being disposed by the garbage collection. |
C Platform Package function to run the garbage collection. |
C Platform Package function to process all signals pending actually for their delivery. |
C Platform Package function to process all expired timers. |
C Platform Package function to query whether there are any signals pending for the delivery. |
C Platform Package function to query when the next timer expiration is expected. |
C Platform Package convenience function to create an operand of type 'XPoint' (Chora type 'point'). |
C Platform Package convenience function to create an operand of type 'XRect' (Chora type 'rect'). |
C Platform Package convenience function to create an operand of type 'XColor' (Chora type 'color'). |
C Platform Package function to create a duplicate of a wide-character (16-bit) string. |
C Platform Package function to create a wide-character (16-bit) string from an ANSI (8-bit) coded source string. |
C Platform Package function to create a wide-character (16-bit) string from an UTF-8 coded source string. |
C Platform Package function to create a string filled with a character. |
C Platform Package function to query the length (the number of characters) of a string. |
C Platform Package function to compare two strings. |
C Platform Package function to convert the wide-character (16-bit) coded string in an ANSI (8-bit) string. |
C Platform Package function to select the language in a multi-lingual localized application. |
C Platform Package function to query the actually selected language in a multi-lingual localized application. |
C Platform Package function to enable/disable styles in a multi-variant application. |
C Platform Package function to query the actually enabled styles in a multi-variant application. |
C Platform Package function to print statistic about the memory usage of the GUI application. |
C Platform Package function to print collected performance counters during debugging. |
C Platform Package function to reset collected performance counters during debugging. |
C Platform Package function to initialize the Graphics Engine. |
C Platform Package function to deinitialize (shutdown) the Graphics Engine. |
C Platform Package function to control the internal debugging mode of the Graphics Engine. |
C Platform Package function to initialize a viewport. |
C Platform Package function to deinitialize a viewport. |
C Platform Package function to change the configuration of a viewport. |
C Platform Package function to initiate a screen update cycle for a given viewport. |
C Platform Package function to initiate a partial screen update cycle for a given viewport. |
C Platform Package function to finalize the screen update cycle for the given viewport. |
C Platform Package function to create a new bitmap. |
C Platform Package function to free all resources occupied by a bitmap. |
C Platform Package function to change color values within the palette of an Index8 bitmap. |
C Platform Package function to lock and direct access the pixel memory of a bitmap. |
C Platform Package function to unlock a bitmap. |
C Platform Package function to query color values from the global CLUT. |
C Platform Package function to determine an entry within the global CLUT corresponding to a color value. |
C Platform Package function to store user defined colors within empty area in the global CLUT. |
C Platform Package function to remove a user defined color entry from the global CLUT. |
C Platform Package function to change color values within the global CLUT. |
C Platform Package function to search the global CLUT for a color value. |
C Platform Package function to reserve a memory block from the memory heap used by Embedded Wizard. |
C Platform Package function to free a memory block reserved on Embedded Wizard own memory heap. |
Type definition |
Description |
C Platform Package basic type definitions. |
C Platform Package type definition for the Chora 'point' data type. |
C Platform Package type definition for the Chora 'rect' data type. |
C Platform Package type definition for the Chora 'color' data type. |
C Platform Package type definition to describe the attributes of a bitmap. |
C Platform Package type definition to provide access to the pixel memory of a locked bitmap. |
C Platform Package type definition of a user defined viewport callback function. |