Reference for the Mosaic class Flat::ActionButton
Action button widget with a flat design. The widget is used as a simple push button with a text.
property string Caption = "Button";
The property 'Caption' stores the text to display within the item.
property color ItemColor = Flat::ColorOfTouch;
The property 'ItemColor' defines the color of the widgets touchable member (knob). The property is used to assign a color independent from the current theme color.
property color ItemColorActive = Flat::ColorOfTheme;
The property 'ItemColorActive' defines the color of the widgets touchable member (knob) while it is touched by the user. The property is used to assign a color independent from the current theme color.
property slot OnAction = null;
The property 'OnAction' can refer to a slot method, which will receive a signal as soon the user has pressed the button. Thereupon the method's logic will be executed.
property color TextColor = Flat::ColorOfBackground;
The property 'TextColor' defines the color of the widgets text members. The property is used to assign a color independent from the current theme color.
slot enterLeaveSlot;
This internal slot method is used to receive the corresponding signals form the touch handler.
slot pressReleaseSlot;
This internal slot method is used to receive the corresponding signals form the touch handler.