Reference for the Mosaic class WidgetSet::RotaryKnobConfig
This class implements the functionality permitting you to simply customize the look and feel of a 'rotary knob' widget (WidgetSet::RotaryKnob). In the practice, you will create an instance of this class, configure its properties with bitmaps, colors and other relevant attributes according to your design expectations and assign such prepared configuration object to the property 'Appearance' of every affected rotary knob widget. Thereupon the widgets will use the configuration information provided in the object.
During its lifetime the rotary knob remains always in one of the four states: 'disabled', 'default', 'focused' and 'active'. The state 'disabled' is true for every not available rotary knob widget (the property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). Such widgets will ignore all user inputs. The state 'default' determines a rotary knob widget, which is ready to be touched by the user or ready to become focused. As soon as the rotary knob widget becomes focused, it switches in the state 'focused'. In this state the user can control the widget by pressing keys on the keyboard. Finally, the state 'active' is true, if the user actually interacts with the widget (the thumb is pressed). With the configuration object you can specify the appearance of the rotary knob for every state individually. For this purpose you should know from which views the rotary knob is composed of:
If the rotary knob is actually focused, it can also be controlled by pressing the keyboard keys specified in the properties KeyCodeLeft and KeyCodeRight causing the thumb to be rotated counterclockwise or clockwise. To prevent the rotary knob from being able to be focused, initialize these properties with the value Core::KeyCode.NoKey. With the properties KeyRepeatDelay and KeyRepeatPeriod you can configure whether the thumb should be moved autonomously when the user holds the key pressed for a while.
With the properties WidgetMinSize and WidgetMaxSize you can configure size constraints for the widget itself. You can, for example, limit the rotary knob to not shrink below a specified width or height.
property point CenterOffset = <0,0>;
The property 'CenterOffset' determines the displacement in pixel for the position around it the thumb bitmap (ThumbActive, ThumbDefault, ThumbDisabled or ThumbFocused) should rotate. Per default, the thumb is rotated around the center of widget. By specifying a value for the property 'CenterOffset' this position moves accordingly - always relative to center of the widget.
property Resources::Bitmap CoverActive = null;
The property 'CoverActive' determines the bitmap to display centered in the foreground of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property CoverFrameActive. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property CoverFrameActive is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property CoverTintActive. With the property CoverTintActive you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap CoverDefault = null;
The property 'CoverDefault' determines the bitmap to display centered in the foreground of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'default' state.
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property CoverFrameDefault. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property CoverFrameDefault is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property CoverTintDefault. With the property CoverTintDefault you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap CoverDisabled = null;
The property 'CoverDisabled' determines the bitmap to display centered in the foreground of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false').
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property CoverFrameDisabled. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property CoverFrameDisabled is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property CoverTintDisabled. With the property CoverTintDisabled you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap CoverFocused = null;
The property 'CoverFocused' determines the bitmap to display centered in the foreground of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property CoverFrameFocused. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property CoverFrameFocused is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property CoverTintFocused. With the property CoverTintFocused you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property int32 CoverFrameActive = -1;
The property 'CoverFrameActive' determines the frame number within the bitmap CoverActive. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the CoverActive bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'active' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 CoverFrameDefault = -1;
The property 'CoverFrameDefault' determines the frame number within the bitmap CoverDefault. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the CoverDefault bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'default' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 CoverFrameDisabled = -1;
The property 'CoverFrameDisabled' determines the frame number within the bitmap CoverDisabled. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the CoverDisabled bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'disabled' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 CoverFrameFocused = -1;
The property 'CoverFrameFocused' determines the frame number within the bitmap CoverFocused. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the CoverFocused bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'focused' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property color CoverTintActive = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'CoverTintActive' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property CoverActive. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color CoverTintDefault = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'CoverTintDefault' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property CoverDefault. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color CoverTintDisabled = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'CoverTintDisabled' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property CoverDisabled. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color CoverTintFocused = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'CoverTintFocused' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property CoverFocused. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property Core::KeyCode KeyCodeLeft = Core::KeyCode.Left;
The property 'KeyCodeLeft' determines the key, the rotary knob should react on when it is focused to rotate the thumb one step counterclockwise. In this manner the user can control the widget by using keyboard or hardware buttons.
When the user holds the key pressed for a period longer than the value specified in the property KeyRepeatDelay, the widget starts to rotate the thumb autonomously with speed resulting from the property KeyRepeatPeriod.
If this property is initialized with the value Core::KeyCode.NoKey, the widget will not be able to become focused and it will not receive any keyboard events.
property Core::KeyCode KeyCodeRight = Core::KeyCode.Right;
The property 'KeyCodeRight' determines the key, the rotary knob should react on when it is focused to rotate the thumb one step clockwise. In this manner the user can control the widget by using keyboard or hardware buttons.
When the user holds the key pressed for a period longer than the value specified in the property KeyRepeatDelay, the widget starts to rotate the thumb autonomously with speed resulting from the property KeyRepeatPeriod.
If this property is initialized with the value Core::KeyCode.NoKey, the widget will not be able to become focused and it will not receive any keyboard events.
property int32 KeyRepeatDelay = 0;
The property 'KeyRepeatDelay' determines the delay in milliseconds how long the user has to hold pressed the key (KeyCodeLeft or KeyCodeRight) until the focused rotary knob widget starts to rotate the thumb autonomously. The speed in which the thumb is rotated results from the value specified in the property KeyRepeatPeriod.
property int32 KeyRepeatPeriod = 0;
The property 'KeyRepeatPeriod' determines the delay in milliseconds between two steps the rotary knob widget should move the thumb autonomously when the user holds pressed the key (KeyCodeLeft or KeyCodeRight) longer than the delay specified in the property KeyRepeatDelay.
property Resources::Bitmap ScaleActive = null;
The property 'ScaleActive' determines the bitmap to display centered in the background of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ScaleFrameActive. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ScaleFrameActive is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ScaleTintActive. With the property ScaleTintActive you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap ScaleDefault = null;
The property 'ScaleDefault' determines the bitmap to display centered in the background of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'default' state.
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ScaleFrameDefault. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ScaleFrameDefault is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ScaleTintDefault. With the property ScaleTintDefault you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap ScaleDisabled = null;
The property 'ScaleDisabled' determines the bitmap to display centered in the background of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false').
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ScaleFrameDisabled. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ScaleFrameDisabled is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ScaleTintDisabled. With the property ScaleTintDisabled you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property Resources::Bitmap ScaleFocused = null;
The property 'ScaleFocused' determines the bitmap to display centered in the background of the rotary knob when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ScaleFrameFocused. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ScaleFrameFocused is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ScaleTintFocused. With the property ScaleTintFocused you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
property int32 ScaleFrameActive = -1;
The property 'ScaleFrameActive' determines the frame number within the bitmap ScaleActive. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ScaleActive bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'active' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ScaleFrameDefault = -1;
The property 'ScaleFrameDefault' determines the frame number within the bitmap ScaleDefault. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ScaleDefault bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'default' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ScaleFrameDisabled = -1;
The property 'ScaleFrameDisabled' determines the frame number within the bitmap ScaleDisabled. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ScaleDisabled bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'disabled' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ScaleFrameFocused = -1;
The property 'ScaleFrameFocused' determines the frame number within the bitmap ScaleFocused. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ScaleFocused bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'focused' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property color ScaleTintActive = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ScaleTintActive' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ScaleActive. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ScaleTintDefault = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ScaleTintDefault' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ScaleDefault. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ScaleTintDisabled = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ScaleTintDisabled' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ScaleDisabled. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ScaleTintFocused = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ScaleTintFocused' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ScaleFocused. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property Resources::Bitmap ThumbActive = null;
The property 'ThumbActive' determines the bitmap to display rotated around the center of the rotary knob widget when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ThumbFrameActive. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ThumbFrameActive is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ThumbTintActive. With the property ThumbTintActive you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
With the properties CenterOffset, ThumbRadius and ThumbPivot you adjust the position around it the thumb bitmap should rotate. The possible rotation range is determined by the properties ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle. To simplify the configuration of ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle we recommend to design the thumb bitmap for 0 degrees rotation relative to the positive X-axis.
property Resources::Bitmap ThumbDefault = null;
The property 'ThumbDefault' determines the bitmap to display rotated around the center of the rotary knob widget when the widget is in the 'default' state.
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ThumbFrameDefault. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ThumbFrameDefault is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ThumbTintDefault. With the property ThumbTintDefault you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
With the properties CenterOffset, ThumbRadius and ThumbPivot you adjust the position around it the thumb bitmap should rotate. The possible rotation range is determined by the properties ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle. To simplify the configuration of ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle we recommend to design the thumb bitmap for 0 degrees rotation relative to the positive X-axis.
property Resources::Bitmap ThumbDisabled = null;
The property 'ThumbDisabled' determines the bitmap to display rotated around the center of the rotary knob widget when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false').
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ThumbFrameDisabled. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ThumbFrameDisabled is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ThumbTintDisabled. With the property ThumbTintDisabled you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
With the properties CenterOffset, ThumbRadius and ThumbPivot you adjust the position around it the thumb bitmap should rotate. The possible rotation range is determined by the properties ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle. To simplify the configuration of ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle we recommend to design the thumb bitmap for 0 degrees rotation relative to the positive X-axis.
property Resources::Bitmap ThumbFocused = null;
The property 'ThumbFocused' determines the bitmap to display rotated around the center of the rotary knob widget when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events).
If the specified bitmap contains more than one frame (multi-frame bitmap), the desired frame number can be selected in the property ThumbFrameFocused. If the selected bitmap is intended to be animated, ensure that the property ThumbFrameFocused is -1.
If the specified bitmap contains opacity information only (Alpha8 bitmap), you can tint the bitmap by specifying the desired color in the property ThumbTintFocused. With the property ThumbTintFocused you can also modulate the opacity of a regular bitmap.
With the properties CenterOffset, ThumbRadius and ThumbPivot you adjust the position around it the thumb bitmap should rotate. The possible rotation range is determined by the properties ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle. To simplify the configuration of ThumbMinAngle and ThumbMaxAngle we recommend to design the thumb bitmap for 0 degrees rotation relative to the positive X-axis.
property int32 ThumbFrameActive = -1;
The property 'ThumbFrameActive' determines the frame number within the bitmap ThumbActive. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ThumbActive bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'active' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ThumbFrameDefault = -1;
The property 'ThumbFrameDefault' determines the frame number within the bitmap ThumbDefault. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ThumbDefault bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'default' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ThumbFrameDisabled = -1;
The property 'ThumbFrameDisabled' determines the frame number within the bitmap ThumbDisabled. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ThumbDisabled bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'disabled' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property int32 ThumbFrameFocused = -1;
The property 'ThumbFrameFocused' determines the frame number within the bitmap ThumbFocused. This property is applicable for multi-frame bitmaps only (see also Resources::Bitmap). If the desired frame is not available in the bitmap, no bitmap is shown.
If the property is initialized with the value -1 and the ThumbFocused bitmap is animated, the animation is automatically started as soon as the widget enters the 'focused' state. If the bitmap is not animated and the property is -1, the frame with number 0 is displayed.
property float ThumbMaxAngle = 45;
The property 'ThumbMaxAngle' determines the rotation angle for the thumb bitmap (ThumbActive, ThumbDefault, ThumbDisabled or ThumbFocused) corresponding to 'MaxValue' specified in the rotary knob widget. The angle is expressed in degree, counted counterclockwise with 0 degree at the positive X-axis.
Please note, the value specified in 'ThumbMaxAngle' has to be less than the value specified in ThumbMinAngle.
property float ThumbMinAngle = 135;
The property 'ThumbMinAngle' determines the rotation angle for the thumb bitmap (ThumbActive, ThumbDefault, ThumbDisabled or ThumbFocused) corresponding to 'MinValue' specified in the rotary knob widget. The angle is expressed in degree, counted counterclockwise with 0 degree at the positive X-axis.
Please note, the value specified in 'ThumbMinAngle' has to be greater than the value specified in ThumbMaxAngle.
property point ThumbPivot = <0,0>;
The property 'ThumbPivot' specifies the pivot position (the anchor) in the thumb bitmap (ThumbActive, ThumbDefault, ThumbDisabled or ThumbFocused) around it the thumb bitmap should be rotated. The position is expressed in pixel relative to the top-left corner of the thumb bitmap.
Please note, we recommend to design the thumb bitmap for 0 degrees rotation relative to the positive X-axis. See also ThumbRadius, ThumbRotate and CenterOffset.
property float ThumbRadius = 0.0;
The property 'ThumbRadius' specifies the radius of the circle segment along which the thumb should be moved. The value is expressed in pixel. The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position resulting from the property CenterOffset. Please see also ThumbPivot and ThumbRotate.
property bool ThumbRotate = true;
The property 'ThumbRotate' determines whether the thumb bitmap (ThumbActive, ThumbDefault, ThumbDisabled or ThumbFocused) should appear rotated or not. If this property is 'true', the bitmap is rotated around its ThumbPivot and moved along the circle segment with radius ThumbRadius. If this property is 'false', the bitmap is only moved along the circle segment without being rotated itself.
property color ThumbTintActive = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ThumbTintActive' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ThumbActive. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ThumbTintDefault = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ThumbTintDefault' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ThumbDefault. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ThumbTintDisabled = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ThumbTintDisabled' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ThumbDisabled. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color ThumbTintFocused = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'ThumbTintFocused' determines the color value to tint or modulate the bitmap specified in the property ThumbFocused. The effect of this color value depends on the type of the bitmap:
property color TrackLeftColorActive = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackLeftColorActive' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). See also TrackLeftRadiusActive, TrackLeftThicknessActive, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property color TrackLeftColorDefault = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackLeftColorDefault' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. See also TrackLeftRadiusDefault, TrackLeftThicknessDefault, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property color TrackLeftColorDisabled = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackLeftColorDisabled' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). See also TrackLeftRadiusDisabled, TrackLeftThicknessDisabled, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property color TrackLeftColorFocused = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackLeftColorFocused' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). See also TrackLeftRadiusFocused, TrackLeftThicknessFocused, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftRadiusActive = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftRadiusActive' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftThicknessActive.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorActive, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftRadiusDefault = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftRadiusDefault' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftThicknessDefault.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorDefault, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftRadiusDisabled = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftRadiusDisabled' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftThicknessDisabled.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorDisabled, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftRadiusFocused = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftRadiusFocused' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftThicknessFocused.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorFocused, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property bool TrackLeftRoundedEnd = false;
The property 'TrackLeftRoundedEnd' determines the appearance at the end of the left track (corresponding to the actual thumb position). If this property is 'true', the cap at the track end is rounded otherwise it is straight. See also TrackLeftRadiusDefault, TrackLeftRadiusDisabled, TrackLeftRadiusFocused, TrackLeftRadiusActive, TrackLeftThicknessDefault, TrackLeftThicknessDisabled, TrackLeftThicknessFocused, TrackLeftThicknessActive, TrackLeftColorDefault, TrackLeftColorDisabled, TrackLeftColorFocused, TrackLeftColorActive, TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property bool TrackLeftRoundedStart = false;
The property 'TrackLeftRoundedStart' determines the appearance at the beginning of the left track (corresponding to the leftmost rotation position (clockwise) of the thumb). If this property is 'true', the cap at the track begin is rounded otherwise it is straight. See also TrackLeftRadiusDefault, TrackLeftRadiusDisabled, TrackLeftRadiusFocused, TrackLeftRadiusActive, TrackLeftThicknessDefault, TrackLeftThicknessDisabled, TrackLeftThicknessFocused, TrackLeftThicknessActive, TrackLeftColorDefault, TrackLeftColorDisabled, TrackLeftColorFocused, TrackLeftColorActive, TrackLeftRoundedEnd.
property float TrackLeftThicknessActive = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftThicknessActive' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftRadiusActive.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorActive, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftThicknessDefault = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftThicknessDefault' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftRadiusDefault.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorDefault, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftThicknessDisabled = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftThicknessDisabled' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). The value is expressed in pixel. The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftRadiusDisabled.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorDisabled, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property float TrackLeftThicknessFocused = 0.0;
The property 'TrackLeftThicknessFocused' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the left (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackLeftRadiusFocused.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackLeftColorFocused, TrackLeftRoundedEnd and TrackLeftRoundedStart.
property color TrackRightColorActive = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackRightColorActive' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). See also TrackRightRadiusActive, TrackRightThicknessActive, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property color TrackRightColorDefault = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackRightColorDefault' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. See also TrackRightRadiusDefault, TrackRightThicknessDefault, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property color TrackRightColorDisabled = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackRightColorDisabled' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). See also TrackRightRadiusDisabled, TrackRightThicknessDisabled, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property color TrackRightColorFocused = #FFFFFFFF;
The property 'TrackRightColorFocused' determines the color of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). See also TrackRightRadiusFocused, TrackRightThicknessFocused, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightRadiusActive = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightRadiusActive' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightThicknessActive.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorActive, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightRadiusDefault = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightRadiusDefault' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightThicknessDefault.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorDefault, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightRadiusDisabled = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightRadiusDisabled' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightThicknessDisabled.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorDisabled, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightRadiusFocused = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightRadiusFocused' specifies the radius of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). The value is expressed in pixel. The thickness of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightThicknessFocused.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorFocused, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property bool TrackRightRoundedEnd = false;
The property 'TrackRightRoundedEnd' determines the appearance at the end of the right track (corresponding to the rightmost rotation position (clockwise) of the thumb). If this property is 'true', the cap at the track end is rounded otherwise it is straight. See also TrackRightRadiusDefault, TrackRightRadiusDisabled, TrackRightRadiusFocused, TrackRightRadiusActive, TrackRightThicknessDefault, TrackRightThicknessDisabled, TrackRightThicknessFocused, TrackRightThicknessActive, TrackRightColorDefault, TrackRightColorDisabled, TrackRightColorFocused, TrackRightColorActive, TrackRightRoundedStart.
property bool TrackRightRoundedStart = false;
The property 'TrackRightRoundedStart' determines the appearance at the start of the right track (corresponding to the actual thumb position). If this property is 'true', the cap at the track start is rounded otherwise it is straight. See also TrackRightRadiusDefault, TrackRightRadiusDisabled, TrackRightRadiusFocused, TrackRightRadiusActive, TrackRightThicknessDefault, TrackRightThicknessDisabled, TrackRightThicknessFocused, TrackRightThicknessActive, TrackRightColorDefault, TrackRightColorDisabled, TrackRightColorFocused, TrackRightColorActive, TrackRightRoundedEnd.
property float TrackRightThicknessActive = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightThicknessActive' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'active' state (the user is actually touching the rotary knob widget or pressing a key on the keyboard the widget should react on). The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightRadiusActive.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorActive, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightThicknessDefault = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightThicknessDefault' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'default' state. The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightRadiusDefault.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorDefault, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightThicknessDisabled = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightThicknessDisabled' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'disabled' state (property 'Enabled' of the widget is 'false'). The value is expressed in pixel. The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightRadiusDisabled.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorDisabled, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property float TrackRightThicknessFocused = 0.0;
The property 'TrackRightThicknessFocused' specifies the thickness of the circle segment displayed on the right (clockwise) of the actual thumb position when the widget is in the 'focused' state (the widget can react to keyboard events). The radius of the segment is determined in the property TrackRightRadiusFocused.
The center of the circle segment corresponds to the position around which the thumb is rotated (CenterOffset). See also TrackRightColorFocused, TrackRightRoundedEnd and TrackRightRoundedStart.
property point WidgetMaxSize = <0,0>;
The property 'WidgetMaxSize' determines the maximum allowed size of the widget. Accordingly, the rotary knob widget can't become bigger than the value specified in this property. By using this property you can configure the size constraints for the rotary knob widget.
property point WidgetMinSize = <0,0>;
The property 'WidgetMinSize' determines the minimal allowed size of the widget. Accordingly, the rotary knob widget can't become smaller than the value specified in this property. By using this property you can configure the size constraints for the rotary knob widget.