Instant properties: y2
The instant property y2 corresponds to the position of the bottom-right corner stored within a rect operand.
int32 rect.y2
The read access to this property returns the y coordinate of the bottom-right corner of a rect operand. The write access modifies the y coordinate of the bottom-right corner of a rect operand. Other components (x1, x2 and y1) are not affected by the modification. For example:
var rect r = <100,200,110,220>; // Read the y2 coordinate var int32 result = r.y2; // result = 220 // Modify the y2 coordinate r.y2 = 250; // r = <100,200,110,250>
Usage in Inspector
When working with Inspector you can easily access, evaluate and modify the y2 coordinate. For this purpose select in Inspector the desired rect property or attribute and click on the small triangle on its left side to expand and display the subordinated values: