Welcome to Embedded Wizard
Embedded Wizard is a professional technology to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that easily adopt the user experience of smartphones with astonishingly fast animations, gorgeous graphics and smart effects. By using this technology you will increase the productivity and improve the structure of your project.
Embedded Wizard enables you to develop and customize GUI applications for various product platforms, operating system and chip architectures. The technology supports a wide range of target systems including resource constrained microcontrollers (MCUs), microprocessors (MPUs), desktop workstation or even the HTML web browser as target.
Workflow Principle
★Step 1: To develop a GUI application you use the user-friendly authoring tool called Embedded Wizard Studio. It allows you to design the appearance of the user interface and to implement the corresponding behavior. During this phase you create all necessary GUI components (e.g. buttons, lists, panels, alerts, screens, ...). You do this by clicking, dragging, and connecting visual with logical components using the mouse.
★Step 2: Due to the integrated Prototyper you benefit from instant WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and evaluate your GUI’s appearance as well as behavior at every step of the design process without the need of programming the target hardware. If your GUI components don't behave as expected, the integrated Debugger helps you to find the cause of the problem.
★Step 3: Once finished the development process, Embedded Wizard Studio generates source code (e.g. ANSI-C) optimized for your dedicated hardware platform. You add the source files to your tool chain (e.g. Eclipse, IAR Embedded Workbench, Keil MDK-ARM, GCC (make), ...). Depending on the platform few additional files or libraries belonging to so-called Platform Package have to be added to the build system.
★Step 4: By using your tool chain you compile all files to a single binary, which then is ready to be executed in the target system.
Getting Started
In order to get familiar with Embedded Wizard and the GUI development workflow, we recommend to study following articles according to the given order:
Documentation |
Contents |
Explains the basic concepts, features and requirements of Embedded Wizard more in detail. |
Tutorial to learn the workflow practically. |
Describes diverse workflow aspect more in detail. |
Getting started articles for dedicated target systems. |
Contains the reference of the Embedded Wizard Studio IDE (integrated development environment) and how you work with it. |
Contains the reference of the programming language Chora and the bricks used by it. |
Contains the reference of the Mosaic framework. |
Addresses advance aspects essential for the integration with a real device. |
Ask Embedded Wizard
Ask Embedded Wizard is our open community forum for your further questions about working with Embedded Wizard. Additionally our customers benefit from direct support.