Embedded Wizard Studio: Search in project dialog
With this dialog you can search in the project for members and code fragments matching a specified text search pattern. This dialog appears when activating the command Find in project ...:
Search in project dialog
All found occurrences will automatically appear in the Log window. From there you can easily inspect every found member and code fragment.
Example of search results listed in the Log window
Search pattern
The search pattern determines literally the text to search for within your project.
★In the upper area of the dialog click on the edit field and enter the search pattern text.
For your convenience Embedded Wizard remembers the entered search patterns and provides them in a pop-up list when you click on the small triangle on the right side of the edit field:
The recorded search patterns are stored persistently together with other settings in the project session file projectname.ews within the project directory.
Match whole words only
The search operation can be configured to look for occurrences which start and end only at word boundaries. As a word boundary are considered all signs excluded the letters a .. z, digits 0 .. 9 and the underscore sign _.
★To enable/disable the word boundary mode click on the check box .
Match case
You can determine whether during the search operation Embedded Wizard should differentiate between upper and lower case or whether the operation should be performed case-insensitive.
★To enable/disable the case sensitive mode click on the check box .
Ignore all 'Description' attributes
The search operation can be configured to ignore the contents found in the Description attributes. This is useful when you intend to search for implementation instead of description.
★To exclude all Description attributes from the search operation, enable with the mouse the check box .
Ignore the 'Mosaic' framework
The search operation can be configured to ignore all members being a part of the Mosaic framework implementation. This is useful when you intend to search for occurrences in your own project members only.
★To exclude all Mosaic components from the search operation, enable with the mouse the check box .
Limit to members of the currently opened Composer
You can limit the scope of the search operation to the content of the currently opened Composer page. For example, when you are editing a GUI component, the search operation would evaluate only the members defined within the component. Other components as well as their members are ignored in this case. This can be considered as a kind of Composer local search operation.
★To limit the scope of the search operation, enable with the mouse the check box .