Reference for the Mosaic class Effects::Transition
The class Effects::Transition provides the infrastructure to implement sophisticated transitions for fading-in/out GUI components. At the runtime, you associate instances of the desired transition classes with the affected GUI component and determine so the desired animations to perform when the component is presented, dismissed or when the user switches between components forth and back. For more see the methods Core::Group.PresentDialog(), Core::Group.DismissDialog() and Core::Group.SwitchToDialog(). The infrastructure consists of:
The class Effects::Transition and all classes descending from it can be considered as kind of factories to conveniently create and configure often used fader objects. The default implementation of Effects::Transition does nothing. Derived classes has to override and implement at least the both methods CreatePresentFader() and CreateDismissFader().
method Effects::Fader CreateDismissFader();
The method CreateDismissFader() creates an object of one of the classes descending from Effects::Fader and configures it with parameters according to the desired fade-out (dismiss) transition. Finally the prepared fader object is returned to the caller. Typically, the created fader is used to hide (to dismiss) a GUI component when the user leaves it while he/she navigates in the GUI system. The method has to be overridden and implemented in derived classes. The actual implementation does nothing and returns 'null'.
method Effects::Fader CreateOverlayFader();
The method CreateOverlayFader() creates an object of one of the classes descending from Effects::Fader and configures it with parameters according to the desired fade-out (overlay) transition. Finally the prepared fader object is returned to the caller. Typically, the created fader is used to temporarily hide (to overlay) a GUI component when the user navigates a deeper level in the GUI system. The method has to be overridden and implemented in derived classes. The actual implementation of this method redirects the operation to the method CreateDismissFader().
method Effects::Fader CreatePresentFader();
The method CreatePresentFader() creates an object of one of the classes descending from Effects::Fader and configures it with parameters according to the desired fade-in (present) transition. Finally the prepared fader object is returned to the caller. Typically, the created fader is used to show (to present) a GUI component when the user navigates to it. The method has to be overridden and implemented in derived classes. The actual implementation does nothing and returns 'null'.
method Effects::Fader CreateRestoreFader();
The method CreateRestoreFader() creates an object of one of the classes descending from Effects::Fader and configures it with parameters according to the desired fade-in (restore) transition. Finally the prepared fader object is returned to the caller. Typically, the created fader is used to show (to restore the original visible state) of a GUI component, which has been obscured (overlaid) by other GUI components during the user navigates in the GUI system. The method has to be overridden and implemented in derived classes. The actual implementation of this method redirects the operation to the method CreatePresentFader().