Reference for the Mosaic class Core::CursorHit
The class Core::CursorHit provides a helper object used to identify the view tapped on the touch screen by the user. When the user touches the screen, the framework searches for a view lying at the touched position and willing to start the touch interaction. This search process is performed by the method Core::View.CursorHitTest().
method Core::CursorHit Initialize
arg Core::View
arg point aOffset
The method Initialize() initializes this Core::CursorHit object with the given parameter. The value offset stores an optional displacement if the user has touched the view outside its boundary area. This can occur when the user tries to hit a small GUI component with a thick finger. This offset value determines the number of pixel to correct all cursor coordinates delivered in the following Core::CursorEvent and Core::DragEvent events. In this manner the target view will receive coordinates lying correctly within its boundary area.
var point Offset;
The variable 'Offset' stores an optional displacement if the user has touched the view outside its boundary area. This can occur when the user tries to hit a small GUI component with a thick finger. This offset value determines the number of pixel to correct all cursor coordinates delivered in the following Core::CursorEvent and Core::DragEvent events. In this manner the target view will receive coordinates lying correctly within its boundary area.
var Core::View View;
The variable 'View' refers to the potential target view affected by the touch and willing to start the touch interaction.