Built-in functions: math_min()

The function math_min() estimates the lowest value.


Form 1:

int32  math_min( int32  aValue1, int32  aValue2, ... )

uint32 math_min( uint32 aValue1, uint32 aValue2, ... )

int64  math_min( int64  aValue1, int64  aValue2, ... )

uint64 math_min( uint64 aValue1, uint64 aValue2, ... )

float  math_min( float  aValue1, float  aValue2, ... )

char   math_min( char   aValue1, char   aValue2, ... )

Form 2:

point math_min( point aValue1, point aValue2, ... )

rect  math_min( rect  aValue1, rect  aValue2, ... )

color math_min( color aValue1, color aValue2, ... )


aValue1, aValue2, ...

The values to evaluate and estimate the minimum.


The function math_min() evaluates the values passed in its parameters and returns the lowest one. In its first form the function simply compares the passed numbers and selects the lowest one. For example:

var float min1 = math_min( 1.0, 5.7, -9.7, -13.9 ); // min1 = -13.9 var char min2 = math_min( 'A', 'F', 'Z', 'G' ); // min2 = 'A'

The second form accepts parameters of more complex data types containing multiple components each. For example, an operand of type point contains the components x and y. In this case the function compares the passed values component-wise selecting individually from each component the lowest one. Similarly, with color operands, the function selects the lowest values for the red, green, blue and alpha color components. For example:

var point min1 = math_min( <1,8>, <5,2>, <-9,-10>, <-13,12> ); // min1 = <-13,-10> var color min2 = math_min( #12345678, #AA23CCFF, #45341122 ); // min2 = #12231122

All forms of the function math_min() expect at least two parameters. The given parameters must be of the same data type with the first parameter determining also the resulting data type of the entire operation.