Instant properties: isinf

The instant property isinf verifies the Infinity (+INF or -INF) status of a float operand.


bool float.isinf


The read access to this property results in a boolean value false or true depending on whether the operand in context of which the property is evaluated does contain a valid floating point value or the Infinity (positive or negative) value. Such value can result from mathematical operations performed with very large arguments like the power of a number calculation. Please note, this property is read-only. The write access to this property is not allowed. For example:

var float v1 = math_pow( 10.0, 9999 ); // v1 = +INF var float v2 = math_pow( -10.0, 9999 ); // v2 = -INF var bool b1 = v1.isinf; // b1 = true var bool b2 = v2.isinf; // b2 = true

See also the built-in functions float_infp() and float_infn().