Member attributes: Height
This attribute configures the height of the font represented by a font resource member.
The attribute Height determines the height in pixel of the font specified in the attribute FontName of a font resource member. This attribute must be an unsigned integer literal > 0. Please consider, that the height of a font covers the complete ascent and descent area (including the space for accent characters), as shown in the following image:
The exact ratio between ascent and descent is a detail resulting from the metric information, the designer of the respective TrueType font has specified originally. Embedded Wizard limits only to use this metric information. Overriding the ascent/decent ratio is not possible.
Besides the ascent and descent, every TrueType font can contain an optional leading metric, which determines a padding to add between two consecutive rows when displaying multiline text blocks. If the TrueType font provides such leading metric, Embedded Wizard uses it accordingly. In this case, the distance between two text rows is equal to ascent + descent + leading. The following image demonstrates the described relation:
Modify the attribute
To inspect or modify the value of a Height attribute, select first the affected font resource member. Thereupon, the attribute is listed in the middle area of Inspector:
The attribute Height can be localized allowing the creation of font resource members optimized to display multilingual text. For this purpose expand the attribute by clicking on the small triangle left to the attribute. All available language specific values are listed thereupon below the attribute and can be modified individually:
If you haven't specified any particular language specific value for the attribute, the value from the fallback language Default is used automatically. Once localized values can be removed easily by pressing the keys CtrlR when the affected value is selected.