Platform Package reference: Error Codes
If an error is detected during the runtime of your GUI application, the error code and eventually additional information (known as info, info1 and info2) are output on the debug console of your target device. The following sections provide detailed description of all error codes together with few hints to help you to localize and fix the cause of the problem.
Please don't worry about the amount of different error codes addressing the same error case. We use the different codes to distinguish the different locations within the code where the errors can occur. Knowing the error number we can analyze the cause of the error. In case you have the source code of the Run Time Environment and Graphics Engine (available in Professional license of the Platform Package) you can also search in the source code for the given error code number.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Out of memory.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Out of memory.
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Out of memory.
30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Out of memory.
Failed to initialize the graphics subsystem in the target device.
102, 103, 104
Failed to load the global CLUT (color look up table).
Failed to initialize the Graphics Engine core functionality.
Failed to initialize the bitmap resource loader.
Failed to initialize the font resource loader.
108, 109
Failed to initialize the Attributed Text sub-system.
Failed to initialize the graphics tasks sub-system.
111, 115
Failed to create surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_NATIVE, width=info1, height=info2.
112, 116
Failed to create surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_ALPHA8, width=info1, height=info2.
113, 117
Failed to create surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_INDEX8, width=info1, height=info2.
114, 118
Failed to create surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565, width=info1, height=info2.
Failed to create constant surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_NATIVE, width=info1, height=info2.
Failed to create constant surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_ALPHA8, width=info1, height=info2.
Failed to create constant surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_INDEX8, width=info1, height=info2.
Failed to create constant surface with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565, width=info1, height=info2.
Can't create a bitmap with format EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_SCREEN.
124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
Failed to initialize new issue for destination bitmap info1.
132, 133, 134, 135
Failed to load bitmap resource info1.
136, 137, 138, 139, 140
Failed to lock the surface info1 for direct memory access.
Failed to obtain the pixel data of a bitmap resource info1.
Failed to load the CLUT of the bitmap resource info1.
Invalid parameters to lock bitmap info1.
144, 145
Invalid parameters to modify the palette of the bitmap info1.
146, 147
Failed to load font resource info1.
The glyph cache is too small for the font resource info1. Please increase the glyph cache size.
Invalid parameters to create viewport.
Failed to create viewport.
151, 152, 153
Invalid viewport info1 to perform screen update.
154, 155
Failed to start the update of the viewport info1.
156, 157, 158, 159
Invalid destination bitmap info1 in the drawing operation.
160, 161, 162
Invalid destination bitmap info1 in the copy bitmap operation.
163, 164, 165
Invalid source bitmap info1 in the copy bitmap operation.
Not convex destination polygon to warp bitmap.
Invalid destination bitmap info1 in the text output operation.
Invalid font info1 in the text output operation.
169, 170, 171, 172
Invalid font info1 in text extent calculation.
Invalid parameters to get glyph metrics.
Invalid parameters to lock glyph.
Invalid parameters to get kerning information.
No free global CLUT entries to alloc user color.
Invalid global CLUT entry info1 to free user color.
Invalid global CLUT entry info1 to modify user color.
Invalid size (width=info1, height=info2) of bitmap to create.
Failed to get metrics for glyph info2 from the font info1.
181, 182
Failed to create glyph info2 from the font info1.
183, 184, 185
Failed to load glyph info2 from the font info1.
Incomplete interface to the underlying graphical subsystem. Missing the implementation of the EwGfxBeginUpdateArea() function.
187, 188
The 'IssueBuffer' for destination bitmap info1 is too small for polygon data with info2 edges. Adjust in your project the macro definition EW_MAX_ISSUE_TASKS and rebuild the entire application. You can also reduce the number of edges stored in the path.
EwWarpBitmap() operation has been omitted because of the resulting destination area being wider or higher than 4096 pixel. Trying to warp bitmap for such big area will lead to integer arithmetic overflows.
To use EwEnableGfxTaskTracing() you have to rebuild Graphics Engine with the define EW_SUPPORT_GFX_TASK_TRACING. Otherwise the function has no effect.
191, 192, 193, 194, 195
The support for operations to fill and stroke paths is not available because the Graphics Engine is compiled with the defined macro EW_DONT_USE_PATH_FUNCTIONS.
The support for operations to scale, rotate or warp bitmaps is not available because the Graphics Engine is compiled with the defined macro EW_DONT_USE_WARP_FUNCTIONS.
197, 198
The support for operations involving EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_INDEX8 bitmaps is not available because the Graphics Engine is compiled with the defined macro EW_DONT_USE_INDEX8_SURFACES.
199, 200
The support for operations involving EW_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 bitmaps is not available because the Graphics Engine is compiled with the defined macro EW_DONT_USE_RGB565_SURFACES.
No font (NULL) in text extent calculation.
The support for bi-directional text is not available because the Graphics Engine is compiled with the defined macro EW_DONT_USE_BIDI_FUNCTIONS.
Incomplete interface to the underlying graphical subsystem. Missing the implementation of the EwGfxCreateConstNativeSurface() function. This error can occure when your Embedded Wizard project is configured to generate bitmap resources in the DirectAccess format. Please verify the attribute FormatOfBitmapResources in your Embedded Wizard project. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
Incomplete interface to the underlying graphical subsystem. Missing the implementation of the EwGfxCreateConstAlpha8Surface() function. This error can occure when your Embedded Wizard project is configured to generate bitmap resources in the DirectAccess format. Please verify the attribute FormatOfBitmapResources in your Embedded Wizard project. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
Incomplete interface to the underlying graphical subsystem. Missing the implementation of the EwGfxCreateConstIndex8Surface() function. This error can occure when your Embedded Wizard project is configured to generate bitmap resources in the DirectAccess format. Please verify the attribute FormatOfBitmapResources in your Embedded Wizard project. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
Incomplete interface to the underlying graphical subsystem. Missing the implementation of the EwGfxCreateConstRGB565Surface() function. This error can occure when your Embedded Wizard project is configured to generate bitmap resources in the DirectAccess format. Please verify the attribute FormatOfBitmapResources in your Embedded Wizard project. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
207, 208
Trying to open an invalid font resource info1.
The font info is not available. Ensure, that the font is installed and registered properly. On the target system use the function EwRegisterFont(). For prototyping, install the font file in the Windows font directory.
210, 217, 223, 227, 232, 239
Wrong Bitmap Loader and Software Pixel Driver combination. The color formats differ.
211, 212, 218, 219, 228, 229, 233, 234, 240, 241
The bitmap resource info has not the expected format. Please verify the attribute PlatformPackage in your Embedded Wizard project. It should correspond to the color format of your target system. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
213, 220, 230, 235, 242
The rotation of the bitmap resource info doesn't correspond to the configuration the Graphics Engine has been built for. Please verify whether the attribute ScreenOrientation in your Embedded Wizard project does correctly conform the value of the define EW_SURFACE_ROTATION used during the build process (e.g. within your MAKE file, etc.). You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
214, 215, 221, 222, 236, 237, 243, 244
The bitmap resource info is stored with wrong color format. Please verify whether the attributes ColorPremultipliedAlpha and ColorChannelsOrder in your Embedded Wizard project do correctly conform the values of the defines EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_RED, EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_GREEN, EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_BLUE, EW_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_ALPHA and EW_PREMULTIPLY_COLOR_CHANNELS used during the build process (e.g. within your MAKE file, etc.). You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
216, 231, 238, 245
The RGB565 bitmap resource info is stored with wrong color format. Please verify whether the attribute ColorChannelsOrderOfRGB565 in your Embedded Wizard project does correspond to the values of the defines EW_RGB565_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_RED, EW_RGB565_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_GREEN and EW_RGB565_COLOR_CHANNEL_BIT_OFFSET_BLUE used during the build process (e.g. within your MAKE file, etc.). You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
224, 225
The bitmap resource info has not the expected format. Please verify the attribute PlatformPackage in your Embedded Wizard project. It should correspond to the color format of your target system. You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
The rotation of the bitmap resource info doesn't correspond to the configuration the Graphics Engine has been built for. Please verify whether the attribute ScreenOrientation in your Embedded Wizard project does correctly conform the value of the define EW_SURFACE_ROTATION used during the build process (e.g. within your MAKE file, etc.). You can also try to clean/rebuild your project.
246, 250
Wrong Bitmap Loader and Software Pixel Driver combination. Color format differ.
247, 248, 251, 252
The image file info is not available or the format of the image file is not supported by the extern loader. Ensure, that a valid file is available on the target system.
249, 253
Trying to load an invalid bitmap resource info1.
254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261
Wrong Viewport Interface and Pixel Driver combination.
Timer info1 not in the timers list.
String index out of the string length.
Trying to modify a constant string.
304, 305, 306
Trying to release a string with usage counter 0.
Maximum value for a string usage counter (65535) reached.
postsignal is failed. The signal is just delivered.
309, 310
No class (NULL).
Object info1 is not in the root set.
The specified class parameter to create a new instance is not a valid class.
Recursive access to an autoobject info1 performing the initialization.