Basic concepts: Components and Templates
The working principle of Embedded Wizard Studio is mainly component based. Accordingly, as developer you create components and then you use them to assemble more complex components - an approach comparable with a Lego construction kit. Technically seen components are classes implemented in the Embedded Wizard own object-oriented programming language Chora.
We distinguish between visual and non visual components. The visual component (e.g. the push button) has its own appearance to display on the screen and it can react to user interactions. The non visual component, in turn, implements pure functionality, e.g. it serves as the interface to exchange information between the GUI application and the device.
In order to simplify the development of components, Embedded Wizard Studio provides various pre-implemented templates. Thus instead of creating every new component from scratch you can create it from the appropriate template. For example, if you want to create a new slider component you use the slider template for this purpose. Once created, you can edit and adapt the component according to your particular design and function expectations. Moreover you can create your own templates and reuse them later.