Platform Package reference: Function EwInitInvocations()

Description of the function EwInitInvocations() available in Platform Packages for C compatible target systems. This function is intended to be used when integrating the Embedded Wizard created GUI application with the underlying graphics subsystem, graphics hardware or other external GUI applications coexisting on the same system.


int EwInitInvocations( int aQueueSize )



Determines the size of the invocation queue in bytes. The value has to be at least 32 bytes large.


The function EwInitInvocations() initializes the internal invocation queue. This queue is used to store function invocations scheduled in context of foreign threads or interrupt service routines. The functions can then be executed in the safe context of the Embedded Wizard application. To schedule the invocation use EwInvoke() or EwInvokeCopy().

If the queue could be created, the function returns a value != 0. If there was not enough memory space available space for the internal queue, the function returns 0 (zero).