Built-in functions: math_mix()

The function math_mix() performs a linear interpolation between two values according to a specified weight.


Form 1:

int32  math_mix( int32  aValue1, int32  aValue2, float aFactor )

uint32 math_mix( uint32 aValue1, uint32 aValue2, float aFactor )

int64  math_mix( int64  aValue1, int64  aValue2, float aFactor )

uint64 math_mix( uint64 aValue1, uint64 aValue2, float aFactor )

float  math_mix( float  aValue1, float  aValue2, float aFactor )

Form 2:

point math_mix( point aValue1, point aValue2, float aFactor )

rect  math_mix( rect  aValue1, rect  aValue2, float aFactor )

color math_mix( color aValue1, color aValue2, float aFactor )



The start of the range in which to perform the interpolation.


The end of the range in which to perform the interpolation.


The weight to control the interpolation between aValue1 and aValue2.


The function math_mix() performs a linear interpolation between the values aValue1 and aValue2 according to a specified weight aFactor. The return value is calculated as aValue1 * ( 1.0 - aFactor ) + aValue2 * aFactor. If aFactor is less than 0.0, the function returns aValue1. If aFactor is greater than 1.0, the function returns aValue2. In its first form the function limits to calculate with operands containing single numbers only. For example:

var float mix1 = math_mix( 1.0, 5.7, 0.4 ); // mix1 = 2.88 var float mix2 = math_mix( 1.0, 5.7, -0.5 ); // mix2 = 1.0 var float mix3 = math_mix( 1.0, 5.7, +1.5 ); // mix3 = 5.7 var int32 mix4 = math_mix( -1251, 1369, 0.3 ); // mix4 = 466

The second form accepts parameters of more complex data types containing multiple components each. For example, an operand of type point contains the components x and y. In this case the function performs the interpolation component-wise. Similarly, with color operands, the function calculates the resulting values for the red, green, blue and alpha color components separately. For example:

var point mix1 = math_mix( <1,8>, <5,2>, 0.4 ); // mix1 = <2,6> var color mix2 = math_mix( #12345678, #AA121122, 0.4 ); // mix2 = #4E263A55